Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Good and Bad Real Estate Omens

It is said that hard work takes you up to a certain level. But, even luck plays its own role. Hard work combined with good luck brings fortune while, if you don't have good luck, even the best of hard work will go in vain. Although there are many people who do not believe in fortune or luck but, there are others who do. They consider quite a few good and bad omens before performing any important task like going for a meeting, going for an interview, buying a new house, starting a new job/business, finalizing on a life partner, etc.

The real estate sector has its own elements of fortune and misfortune. A black crow might bring you misfortune while a white butterfly may bring lots of luck. How true or untrue these omens are, is for you to decide. This is something that depends on an individual whether he wants to believe in them or not. One can't be forced into believing them. Here are some of the most common omens believed in real estate. If you do believe in good omens and bad omens, this list will certainly help you.

Bad omens

Black cat

This is one of the most commonly believed omen not only in real estate but, for almost every task. It is considered a bad sign if a black cat crosses your path. When you are going for an important task, and if a black cat crosses your path, you must stop right there. Some people say it is alright if you wait for a few seconds and then move ahead. While others believe in rescheduling their work or delaying it in case such a misfortune does happen.

Number 13

The most common omen in real estate. It is said that if you stay on the 13th floor or the house number assigned to you is 13, it will bring bad luck. Avoid choosing these when you are purchasing a home. You would now ask why the 13th floor or house number 13 is built then? This is for those who do not believe in such omens and consider it a superstition. But, if you are a strong believer, avoid this unlucky number 13 in every way possible!

Picture on the wall

Some say it is not a good sign to hang your own pictures on your walls, while others say it is alright if you hang your pictures but, you need to take care that these pictures do not fall off the walls. While you are selling your home, if your picture falls off the walls, you must not sign the deal or else it would bring bad luck.

Crow on the roof or balcony

Generally, having a crow on your balcony railing or roof is seen as an arrival of guests or mails but, a crow appearing while you are closing a property deal is considered bad.

Good omens

White butterfly

Seeing a white butterfly when you are signing the deal is considered to be a lucky sign. It is said that white butterflies bring good fortune in all business dealings, including real estate.

9 peas in a pod

If you find nine peas in a pod, you can be sure that good luck is coming near. So, if you happen to find nine peas in a pod a day or night before you sign a property deal, you can be sure that the deal is a beneficial one for you.

Blackbird’s nest
If there is a blackbird nest on the roof of the house you are planning to buy, consider it as a good sign. You may even bring home a blackbird into your new house and let it stay there with you for good fortune.

Frogs at your doorstep
If you see frogs croaking at your doorstep just when you have decided to sell off your house, it means you are in for a lot of money and you will have a successful deal. So, get ready to make a good one!

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